Saturday, October 23, 2010

Family Time During Deployment

It has always been hard for us to figure out how to keep Chris and the kiddos connected. None of them have been old enough to really write him letters or talk to him on instant messenger the way that I can. They could wave and on the rare occasion they were awake when he called they could say hello. Other than that it was just them drawing him pictures and seeing him on the webcam. This deployment we did all the same for the first half. Once in a while Dylan would sit down and IM daddy since he can spell most of what he would need to say. That was, until today. We have created a new Saturday morning routine. Normally, I would bounce between the computer and the kids but today we decided (that since video chat worked so well the day before) to have some family time via video chat! Daddy told the kids stories, and played music for them, he even ate "breakfast" with us... really he had flamin hot cheetos while we had biscuits and gravy. It was absolutely as close to perfect as I could ask for. It was like having him home. Those few hours were the best of my whole week!

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